RAF Benevolent Fund

Reworking of RAF Benevolent Funds look, voice and marketing set.

RAF Benevolent Fund
RAF Benevolent Fund
RAF Benevolent Fund
RAF Benevolent Fund
RAF Benevolent Fund

The Task

Brief was to design new graphic architecture for RAF Benevolent Fund (RAFBF). The RAFBFs main function is to help the serving community and ex-service family — this could be with bills, integration problems, or the loss of a loved one. We were asked to retain the logo only.

The Idea

The concept is 'facets of life' — based around the funds ability to aid the RAF community in all aspects of life. The design uses direct, personal images, with a bright, colourful and positive facet design — spreading out from the logo. Three tones used for different audiences — for the welfare aspect, for fundraising and the last for corporate items.
RAF Benevolent Fund
RAF Benevolent Fund

The Applications

RAFBF required a set of posters, brochures, booklets, leaflets, re-skinned website, eNewsletter, annual report and general marketing assets.

RAF Benevolent Fund
RAF Benevolent Fund