Seascape Development

Establishing an identity for a unique twelve-plot development overlooking the atlantic.

Seascape Development
Seascape Development
Seascape Development

The Project

Starting with naming, then create the identity, brochure and marketing assets for an in-construction, gorgeous twelve building development on the cliff top, overlooking Brixham beach in South Devon.

The Work

Both the identity and the brochure play on the idea of a window onto a wave. The logo uses pods to build a wave, with the brochure cutting the pods out to show the ocean underneath. This design is followed throughout the brochure.

Seascape Development
Seascape Development

The Options

Two mocked-up options presented at pitch stage — the second being the concept selected. The first option focusing on the village history and surrounding scenery, with the logo alluding to the Brixham trawler ships.

Seascape Development
Seascape Development
Seascape Development
Seascape Development
Seascape Development